Grazing in one of our beautiful grass turnouts.

Being saddled in front of a trainer tackroom.

Novello hanging out in one of Toyon Barn's beautiful box stalls.

Riding in the West Dressage Arena.

Quattro hanging out in one of Toyon Barn's spacious box stalls.

View from the West Dressage Arena.

Riding in the West Dressage Arena.

Spirit's orchards

Historical El Camino Real marker.

West Dressage arena entrance.

Spirit's orchards

Kim Kelusa trainer tack room.

Enjoying lunch in Sage Barn.

Lessons in the North Dressage Arena.

Lessons in the North Dressage Arena.

Grazing in one of the beautiful grass turnouts.

Lessons in the North Dressage Arena

Using the European Hot Walker.

Lessons in the North Dressage Arena.

Pumpkin in Pine Barn.

Rocco using the European Hot Walker.

Spirit's Orchards.

Hunter Jumper Arena

Using the European Hot Walker.

Sparky using one of the large turnouts.

Garbo and her little friend, Pumpkin, enjoying lunch in Pine Barn.

Ceasar using one of the large turnouts.

Destinado in one of Willow Barn's beautiful box stalls.

Hoku drying off in one of the cross ties on Cedar Barn.

Grazing in one of the beautiful grass turnouts.

View by the North Dressage Arena.


